Friday, 6 May 2011


What is a fiddle head some of you may ask?  Well let me tell you.  A fiddle head is basically a baby fern that's all curled up before it unrolls.  These are actually considered a veggie.  These curly little guys are full of iron, fiber, omegas 3 and 6.  My dad used to make them when I was a kid and when I saw them in the market I did cringe at the price but bought them anyway.   I tried to think of a taste to compare them to and I came up with a mix between broccoli and asparagus?  

Fiddle heads with soy and garlic:

1 package fiddle heads
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup water
2-3 cloves garlic minced
2 tablespoons soy sauce

Rinse the fiddle heads and trim off ends (if you want)
Put olive oil and minced garlic in frying pan and turn to medium.
Cook for 3 - 4 mins and add the fiddle heads and soy sauce. 
Cook for another 3-4 mins and add water and bring to a boil.  Cook for about 8 mins or until cooked through. 

For 3/4 Cup there is about 90 Calories.  Cook/Prep time = 15 min.


  1. I've always wondered about cooking those. I know they are popular in the east coast.

  2. I've tasted these! We cooked and ate them in our high school food and nutrition class. Your description of the taste is pretty close.

    Now following from the Social Parade.

    Callista's Ramblings

  3. Hi, you have some tasty recipes posted on your blog - my friend Christa is having a recipe linky-party next week, check out her blog here:

    Also, I "followed" your blog and would love a follow back - thanks!

    Redo 101

  4. HI! New Follower from Friday Blog Hop... I know, it's Saturday - but better late than never! lol. This fern recipe looks yummy... just need to figure out if the local farmer's market in CA sells this. Anything with garlic and soy sauce is yummy too! :) Happy to meet you.

  5. How interesting! I've never heard of or seen those! I like both broc and asparagus, so I'm guessing they'd be pretty good. Thanks for sharing!!
